David Van Hook in Community College Engagement Group 255 July 22 CCEG Meeting AgendaI look forward to talking to everyone this afternoon.July 22 CCEG Agenda.docx
David Van Hook in Community College Engagement Group 279 June 22 AgendaJune 22 CCEG Agenda.docxI look forward to talking to everyone this afternoon!
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 274 We Want to Hear from You!I'm looking to publish a monthly or bi-monthly News You Can Use for our community college members. I'm looking for suggestions of topics or ideas on areas you'd like us to focus on for this community.
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 353 Statement of Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusionhttps://www.appa.org/dei-state...
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 3161 Community College & FPIIf you were able to join us, I hope you got a lot of information from the presentation from Christina Hills around FPI. Here is some additional informationCommunity college survey participant numbers by year: 2015 – 70 2016 †...More
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 287 Please note the change the CCEG meeting timePlease note the change in time to the CCEG call. We will now meet every FIRST Thursday of the monthhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87366278672?pwd=NGh2ODZZeVJRUWpwNnlqSkFhd3FEQT09
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 295 Space utilization webinars As discussed today on our CCEG call, here are two webinars that speak to space utilization. There are a few more, plus a survey
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 315 NEW! Operational Guidelines- MAINTENANCEPurchase the NEW Operational Guidelines - MAINTENANCE book early and receive 20% off! Then attend the webinar to see what's new on March 24, 2022.https://register.gotowebinar.c...https://www1.appa.org/bookstore/store_browse.cfm?categoryid=8
Kristin Witters in Community College Engagement Group 3691 January 27, 2022 CCEG callHope to see you all next week!https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87366278672?pwd=NGh2ODZZeVJRUWpwNnlqSkFhd3FEQT09 4th Thursday of every month at 2pm ET