Facilities Benchmarking Data
Michigan State University, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities has developed an Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Framework. We are reaching out for benchmarking metrics in the following areas to help us develop progressive metrics:
1. Physical Plant/Facilities Demographics (type of employee – Regular, Temporary, On Call, Student)
a. Number of Male/Female Staff
b. Number of Minority Staff
2. Turnover Rate (type of employee – Regular, Temporary, On Call, Student)
a. Voluntary
b. Involuntary
c. Retirement
d. Transfer Out
3. Onboarding
a. Number of Employees onboarded and offboarded in a year (type of employee – Regular, Temporary, On Call, Student)
b. Hours spent on onboarding
4. Supplier Diversity
a. Diverse spend annual goal %
i. Tier I spend %
ii. Tier II spend %
Any information that you can provide is extremely helpful. Thank you!