Patricia Smith in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 4892 ERAPPA ScholarshipsERAPPA Scholarships to attend APPA educational programs in 2021 are available. Check out the APPA 2021 offerings. All According to the rules, all ERAPPA members are eligible to apply for a scho ...More
Derek Sylvester in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 4643 Gym Floor ResurfacingHi Everyone, I was wondering if I could get some insight on how often people are refinishing (top screen and recoat) their gymnasium floors. Is it yearly, every two years, etc? Are you using oil based or water based finish? Thank ...More
Adam Holmes in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 4399 Fixed Rate Snow Removal ContractsI am hoping to connect with APPA members who have used fixed price contracts for their snow removal. I am especially interested in learning how people structure their contracts and the pros and cons they have experienced. Any h ...More
[Deleted] in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 450 Materials ManagementInterested in hearing from anyone that feels like they are doing a good job with materials management. Especially interested in anyone that is using Maximo or other asset management systems and has a planning and scheduling function.&nb ...More
Elizabeth Clark in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 3894 Have you ever worked out with an Olympic athlete?Do you want to?!?Our keynote speaker, Adam Kreek, is offering ALL interested attendees the opportunity to join him for an early morning workout session that Monday, September 30th at 6 am. Adam will lead an inclusive 45-minute workout session for all ages and abiliti ...More
Elizabeth Clark in Eastern Region (ERAPPA) 4462 ERAPPA 2019 Early BirdDeadline is Friday, August 2ndHave you heard this saying? “The early bird gets the worm, but it’s the second mouse who gets the cheese.” This observation perfectly correlates to the ERAPPA 2019 Annual Meeting! How so? Keep reading… Let’s start wi ...More